Contracting Party | Provider | Dataset | Data Access | DOI |
BE | Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) | LW_VLIZ_chla | Public | 10.17031/66682981cbcd8 |
BE | Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) | LW_VLIZ_phyto | Public | 10.17031/66682b48024ae |
BE | Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) | LW_VLIZ_zoo | Public | 10.17031/66682ceba51a5.1 |
DE | Bundesamt fur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) | BSH_Phyto_Zoo | Public | 10.17031/66f41f3f2a72e |
DE | Bundesamt fur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) | BSH_Phyto_Zoo_abundance | Public | 10.17031/66f41f3f2a72e |
DE | Landesamt fur Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und landliche Raume des Landes Schleswig-Holstein (LLUR) | OSPAR_LLUR-SH_2010-2020 | restricted | No DOI |
DE | Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz (NLWKN) | OSPAR_NLWKN_1999-19_phyto | Restricted | 10.17031/66f41fd384fce |
DE | Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz (NLWKN) | OSPAR_NLWKN_1999-19_phyto_abundance | Restricted | 10.17031/66f426e38e4e9 |
DK | Aarhus University (AU) | NOVANA chlorophyl data | Public | 10.17031/66f4277abb1eb |
DK | Aarhus University (AU) | NOVANA phytoplankton | Public | 10.17031/66f42801afddd |
ES | Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (IEO) | IEO_RADIALES_Cla | Restricted | No DOI |
ES | Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (IEO) | IEO_RADIALES_Phyto | Restricted | 10.17031/66f4289d935b1 |
ES | Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (IEO) | IEO_RADIALES_Zoo | Restricted | 10.17031/66f5551ac77af |
NL | Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) | Chlorofyl_data_noordzee_NL | Public | 10.17031/66f555af465c7 |
NL | Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) | RWS_Fpzout_2000-2019_phyto | Public | 10.17031/66f557fe4103f |
PT | Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) | PseudoNitzschia vs Dinophysis_IPMA | Restricted | No DOI |
SE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | National data_SMHI_Kattegat-Dnr: S/Gbg-2021_116/BVOL_phyto | Public | 10.17031/1633 |
SE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | National data_SMHI_Kattegat-Dnr: S/Gbg-2021_116/Chl | Public | 10.17031/1633 |
SE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | National data_SMHI_Kattegat-Dnr: S/Gbg-2021_116_phyto | Public | 10.17031/1633 |
SE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | National data_SMHI_Kattegat-Dnr: S/Gbg-2021_116_zoo | Public | 10.17031/1633 |
SE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | National data_SMHI_skagerrak-Dnr: S/Gbg-2021_116/BVOL_phyto | Public | 10.17031/1633 |
SE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | National data_SMHI_skagerrak-Dnr: S/Gbg-2021_116/Chl | Public | 10.17031/1633 |
SE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | National data_SMHI_Skagerrak-Dnr: S/Gbg-2021_116_phyto | Public | 10.17031/1633 |
SE | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | National data_SMHI_Skagerrak-Dnr: S/Gbg-2021_116_zoo | Public | 10.17031/1633 |
UK | Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) | Western Irish Sea zooplankton monitoring | Public | 10.17031/6703e3e39d6c5 |
UK | Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) | Western Irish Sea phytoplankton monitoring | Restricted | 10.17031/6703e3e39d6c5 |
UK | Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) | Mid Irish Sea LB06 zooplankton monitoring | Public | 10.17031/6703ec1ee71e4 |
UK | Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) | Liverpool Bay CEFAS SmartBuoy zooplankton monitoring | Public | 10.17031/6703e4d7cde10 |
UK | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) | Cefas SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2001-2019 | Public (under OGL) | 10.14466/CefasDataHub.58 |
UK | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) | Cefas West Gabbard zooplankton abundance time series monitoring using ZooScan from 2016 to 2020 | Public (under OGL) | 10.14466/CefasDataHub.122 |
UK | CPR and NRW | Skomer zooplankton for NRW | | 10.17031/66f558c2a9526 |
UK | Environment Agency (EA) | EA CHL 2000-2020 | Public | No DOI |
UK | Environment Agency (EA) | EA PHYTO 2000-2020 | Public | 10.17031/1635 |
UK | Environment Agency (EA) | Environment Agency Zooplankton vertical net survey project 2022-2023 | Restricted | No DOI |
UK | Isle of Man Government (IOM) | Cypris Station Phytoplankton Abundance | Public | 10.17031/66f55a076d812 |
UK | Isle of Man Government (IOM) | Cypris Station Phytoplankton Biomass | Public | 10.17031/66f55a93e1972 |
UK | Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture Isle of Man Government | 2023 Cypris Zooplankton Data (whole count) | Public | No DOI |
UK | Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture Isle of Man Government | 2023 Cypris Zooplankton Data (cells/m^3) | Public | No DOI |
UK | Marine Biological Association (MBA) | Continuous_Plankton_Recorder_dataset | Public | 10.17031/1786 |
UK | Marine Biological Association (MBA) | North Pacific CPR | Public | 10.17031/64a3efa3c86be |
UK | Marine Biological Association (MBA) | CPR PCI chlorophyll index | Public | 10.17031/1786 |
UK | Marine Biological Association (MBA) | MBA_E1_L5 | | 10.17031/1636 |
UK | Marine Scotland (MS) | MSS Loch Ewe Phytoplankton | e.g. Public | 10.17031/1637 |
UK | Marine Scotland (MS) | MSS Loch Ewe Phytoplankton_abundance | e.g. Public | 10.17031/1637 |
UK | Marine Scotland (MS) | MSS Loch Ewe zooplankton | Public | 10.17031/1637 |
UK | Marine Scotland (MS) | MSS Scalloway Phytoplankton dataset | Public | 10.17031/1637 |
UK | Marine Scotland (MS) | MSS Scapa Phytoplankton dataset | e.g. Public | 10.17031/1637 |
UK | Marine Scotland (MS) | MSS Stonehaven Chlorophyll data | e.g. Public | 10.17031/1637 |
UK | Marine Scotland (MS) | MSS Stonehaven Phytoplankton | e.g. Public | 10.17031/1637 |
UK | Marine Scotland (MS) | MSS Stonehaven zooplankton | Public | 10.17031/1637 |
UK | Natural Resources Wales (NRW) | NRW WFD Phytoplankton classification data 2007_2019 | Public | 10.17031/66f55ae5d88de |
UK | Newcastle University (NU) | Dove Time Series Ichthyoplankton zoo | Restricted | 10.17031/66f55bb16365a |
UK | Newcastle University (NU) | Dove Time Series WP2 Microsope and FlowCam | Restricted | 10.17031/66f55cb9f0b08 |
UK | Newcastle University (NU) | Newcastle University/Cefas Dove Time Series P200 | Restricted | 10.17031/66f55d16e2f60 |
UK | Newcastle University (NU) | Newcastle University Dove Time Series WP2 and Horizontal WP3 | Restricted | 10.17031/66f55d689e484 |
UK | Newcastle University (NU) | Newcastle University Dove Time Series WP2 FlowCam zoo | Restricted | 10.17031/66f55dcce0a9b |
UK | Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) | PML_L4 chl a | Public: BODC doi and full citation instructions will follow | 10.17031/1632 |
UK | Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) | PML_L4 phytoplankton | Public: BODC doi and full citation instructions will follow | 10.17031/1632 |
UK | Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) | PML_L4 zooplankton | Public: BODC doi and full citation instructions will follow | 10.17031/1632 |
UK | Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) | SAMS-LPO-Phyto-Dec2021 | Public | 10.17031/nz24-br35 |
UK | Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) | SEPA_Phytoplankton | | 10.17031/b84a-7951 |
UK | Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) | SEPA_Zooplankton | | 10.17031/b84a-79515 |